
Penan Aput

he Penan Aput The Penan Aput name comes from the right-hand tributary of the upper Baluy river where they used to live. They formed four separate bands where they kept close ties and migrated together. When the land became depleted, three of the four groups migrated into what is now Kalimatan while the fourth migrated

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Sultan Tengah

Editors Note:   The translation was difficult. I had to go back and forth from Brunei Malay to Sarawak Malay to Indon Malay. For example, in Sarawak Malay budak means a young man or teenager. In Indon it means a helper on a ship. Sakai was another word. I wasn’t sure if it meant Ulu

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Kajang of Borneo

The Kajang The Kajang are a group of smaller tribes who lived in the Baluy Basin (Kajang term) on the Upper Rejang River. These groups include the Sekapan, Kejaman, La’anam, Punan Ba, Seping and Bah Mali. With the invasion of the Kayan, these groups continued to live in the area while others emigrated or disappeared.

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